WINARC programs
WINARC on the Road Every other Thursday night, volunteers and participants, aged 16+, enjoy outings to a variety of community locations and events. Some favorites include square dancing, holiday parties, dinner and the movies, and the “spring Fling Extravaganza.”
SPECIAL OLYMPICS Special Olympics is WINARC’s longest running program to date. Participants of all ages meet weekly from September until June and participate in a variety of activities appropriate for all levels. Athletes also participate at the regional and state level, where teams from around the state compete. DANCES WINARC dances are fun for everyone! It is a night of dancing and socializing, and a wonderful opportunity for everyone to come together and just enjoy themselves. All ages are welcome, and even parents and staff members kick up their heels and join in the fun. BOWLING Strikes, spares, or gutter balls--it’s all great fun! Participants of all ages bowl on Saturday mornings and end the year with a wonderful Bowling Banquet. It’s all about good-nature competition and making friends. |
TIME TO MOVE! WINARC participants keep in touch all summer by getting together on Sunday mornings for a leisurely walk at various locations. Some bring their lunches and frisbees, and make a day of it!
OUTINGS & SPECIALS Ski trips, Duck Tours, Harlem Globetrotters--it’s all part of the WINARC experience. New ideas are welcome, and there’s always something exciting that’s happening. FUNDRAISERS & ANNUAL EVENTS WINARC runs fundraisers and many annual events, most of which are attended by the community at large. A special annual event includes the Driscoll-Mahegan Invitational Track Event, a favorite among WINARC athletes and the residents of Winthrop and surrounding communities. HIP HOP What better way to exercise than dancing to popular music! Participants move for an hour, doing a mixture of dance steps and aerobics. |